Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Final Richard Bacon Late Night Radio Show

for some more photographs I took at BBC Broadcasting House last night.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Broadcasting house

Just arrived at bbc broadcasting house in london where I am a guest of bbc radio 5 live

Saturday, 5 December 2009


Very pleasant way to spend a few hours


In the stadium. All blacks just trotting onto the field. Great atmosphere.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

BBC Children In Need 2009

Pictures of the final dress rehersal for BBC South Children In Need Night at The National Motor Museum.

Well over 1000 people turned up to watch the broadcast. I was interviewed live on TV (embarassing) but more important I raised almost £1500 for 'Pictures With Pudsey' during the week and on the night itself where I set up my mobile photographic studio and people paid to have a photograph taken with either the "real" pudsey, a giant cuddly pudsey or one of the attending personalities (none of whom I knew!)

Saturday, 14 November 2009


At uni for an hour helping someone with lighting of a year 3 media project . . . Shooting vikings!

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Lincoln Univeristy American Football

Im really enjoying working with Lincoln University's American Football Team - The Colonials. First match is tomorrow but I have been spending the past few weeks with them as they train, learning the basics of the game. Here is a slideshow of my favourite 100 pre-season shots (takes about 10 mins to run through and has soundtrack)

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Canon professional trade show

Been to the canon trade show in london today and did some good business. Seminars didnt live up to expectation but I bumped into a few people in the industry that I knew and confirmed a fault with one of my studio lights which was sorted quite easily.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Newcastle falcons

I'm in the lovely city of bath as a guest of one of my clients who has very kindly wined me, dined me and accomodated me in the same hotel as the Newcastle Falcons Rugby Team who are just wandering around. Shame I dont follow rugby else I might recognise some famous faces. The Falcons are in the rugby equivalent of footballs premier league I am told :)

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

BBC Children In Need

Had an exciting call today from BBC South. They have asked if it would be possible for me to take my mobile studio and lab to their regional event on Children In Need night where, in between live TV broadcasts, I will photograph people with the real Pudsey Bear for a donation. Obviously I wont make a penny from it but its a great honour to be asked and I am very pleased to help out, and there should be a good live band or two to watch and with an access all areas pass I may even be able to get some nice informal photographs backstage. Hopefully I will raise hundreds of pounds which is what it's all about. Watch this space!

Monday, 19 October 2009

The power of music

I've known for a long time how powerful music can be in guiding your emotions in various directions. Film makers have the art down to a tee. Often you know what is about to happen by the music they play. They match the music to the mood.

When I was at Heathrow about to fly out to Saudi I VERY nearly didnt get on the plane when they played "Beggin' You" in the coffee bar and I was at a low point. Gordon Brown once said that he couldnt listen to music for a year after the loss of his child. Lyrics always seem to have a resonance no matter what they are. They just always seem to fit if you are in a receptive state. It isnt physical so it can only be the psychological - all in the mind. The music is conducting the mind, putting it in a state that the artist has chosen to put it when he paints the words and sounds on his audible canvas.

I am thrilled to be be able to announce that I have published the photographs that I took at Steff & Chris's wedding. There is a soundtrack underneath the slideshow. Turn up the volume and listen to it loud as you watch the pictures. Im trying as much as can with the words, images and music to convey to you the emotions I was feeling as the tapestry emerged from the threads I was weaving. Enjoy x

Thursday, 15 October 2009

England warm up

England squad warming up before the game

Inside the stadium

Just before kick off. It was a real buzz being there. Cant wait to go to the next match.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Outside Wembley

Watching england play tonight. First time ive been. Great carnival atmosphere outside the very impressive stadium.

Sunday, 4 October 2009


I have been a member of the royal photographic society for about a year now and am involved with helping out the east midlands region. Every few weeks they have a gem of a lecture at newark. Today it is by the guy in charge of the photojournalism course at shefffield. Very thought provoking in terms of the ethics of press photography and some interesting pictures that tell a story instantly which I guess is that that business is all about.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Back to edinburgh

On the train heading back to edinburgh . This time its business. This has to be one of the most scenic coastal rail routes. (Hmm looked better in real life at the time LOL)

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Katie & Sven

I met up with Katie and Sven this evening to put the finishing touches to their Engagement Portfolio which is now finished. Here are the results:

Saturday, 19 September 2009


Found a great source of wood for my log burner! Should fill my store nicely ready for next winter

Monday, 14 September 2009

Nights drawing in

Not even 8pm and already the sun has set. Looks like summer has been and gone.

Monday, 7 September 2009

Lincoln Colonials

I am pleased to announce that I have been appointed as the official team photographer for Lincoln University's "Lincoln Colonials American Football Team" during the 2009/10 season. This is a very exciting project. I will be doing a photographic documentary of the season, covering not only the 8 home and away matches from a sports photography perspective but also off field and candid shots which I hope will illustrate the essence of the event, culminating in a yearbook which will be on sale at the end of the season. I wont make any money at all from this venture but it will be a great experience I hope.

Friday, 28 August 2009

Radio 1

I was at a meeting in great portland street yesterday and unbeknown to me that is where the radio one studios are.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009


Even the coffee queue has vanished. Everyone must be on holiday

Where is everyone?

Ive had to come into central london this morning and everywhere is very quiet. Ive not seen it like this during the morning rush. Usually its madness. Did i miss something?

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Chinese warriors

Firstly an apology to the followers of my blog who have complained about my neglecting it lately. I have gone from ticking over to flat out pretty much overnight. More of that on another post. I have taken some time out and was wandering through londons chinatown when i chanced upon an army of chinese warriors. That doesnt happen everyday!

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Edinburgh Moonwalk Pt 2

Im not a city boy. I find them too crowded and unfriendly places. But now and then I find one that is a joy. Edinburgh is one of those. It was my privilege to go up there this weekend to support the 10,000 walkers who attempted to walk either a full marathon distance or a half marathon distance to raise money for Breast Cancer Charity "Walk The Walk".

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Moonwalk Volunteers

Some of the volunteers

Moonwalk tent

This is where the walkers are being entertained and fed. Becky and olywn go at 23.30

Friday, 19 June 2009

Edinburgh Moonwalk Pt 1

Well Becky and Olwyn are safely in Edinburgh preparing (well getting drunk!) for their marathon walk of over 26 miles around the City through the night tomorrow along with 10,000 others, raising vast amounts of money to help in the fight against Breast Cancer. A hugely important cause. I myself will be travelling up there to join up with the small army of 1000 crew who will ensure the event runs smoothly.


I was home just in time for my birthday and it was lovely to spend it with my family. The timing of my return was pretty good. Birthday, Edinburgh Moonwalk, Fathers Day,Lincs Show, The Saturdays and 3 weddings (but no funerals I hope!)

Here are a few pics I got just before I left.

Mr. Marish, one of my drivers

The view from the top of Kingdom tower of Riyadh at night. This photo doesnt do it justice. It was spectacular.

Inside the top of Kingdom Tower

Last line of defence. One of the machine gun posts near my kitchen

The desert - very boring but had to be done!

My sampling of tradition arabic coffee and dates

Chop Chop Square. The chopping is done between the fountains after prayers on Fridays.

Sunday, 7 June 2009

All Packed .....

... but going nowhere.

I cant get on a flight for another 36 hours.
Oh well ... lounging by the pool or some souvenier shopping beckons!

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Heading Home

Hopefully fly home in a day or two. It's certainly been an experience!!

Friday, 5 June 2009


Camel turned into a bolognaise. Delicious!

VideoBlog #4

Friday, 29 May 2009

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Driving in Riyadh

Ive now had 4 return journeys in and around Riyadh and seen 12 cars crunched in accidents. Nothing too serious luckily. They want to take away my driver and give me a car instead. I dont think so!

Friday, 22 May 2009

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Apartment Pictures

Ive now moved into the compound. These are a few pics of where Im living at the moment...

Friday, 15 May 2009

Thursday, 14 May 2009

First Weekend In Saudi

Thursday and Friday are the weekend. Technically Friday is the religious day – like our Sunday – and the other weekend day could be a Thursday or a Saturday. However to allign with school weekends, many places take Thursday as the second weekend day. This causes some problems with communications with the west of course as effectively there is only Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday where one or other party is not on a weekend!!

Tuesday, 12 May 2009


Finally getting somewhere. I have a gate pass – which is basically a bit of paper that have to get rubber stamped by security. The place is a hotbed of beuracracy. My internet connection is ok – with some restrictions on what I can access at what time., For example the systems prevent me from accessing the BBC website until 3pm. Who know why. Getting access to the databases that I need to look at is ludicrously difficult. I am flown 3000 miles to work on a system for which I do not have access. Whats the sense in that? But many things here don’t make much sense to me and patience is a virtue.

Monday, 11 May 2009


Things that you would expect to have to be done time and again and for which there should be a slick process fall short of the mark, basic things like having an internet connection, a landline, a gate pass, even a desk. Its very much make do and mend at the moment. An Irish guy called Niall turned up today. He has got the right idea. He flys in for about 10 days a month does the job then flys out again. We have complimentary skills so I think I’ll be working with him for a while.
Im taken to get my car. There seems some surprise that I do not have my driving licence in spite of me telling them on Sunday that it was at home! I can see the car, but they cant release it to me. I shall continue to have a driver for the time being which suits me just fine. They drive like lunatics here and I cant read the arabian roadsigns!

Slept Well

Up nice and early after having slept almost 12 hours. Downstairs for breakfast. Scrambled Eggs or as the signage says - Scrambled (Eggs). Im not sure what else they might scramble! Toast in the dodgiest toaster you have ever seen. I swear the lights dim and it makes a fizzing sound when the bread is put in. To call it toast is to use artistic licence. It is bread that is warmed up a bit with a slight crunch on the outside. Not really browned at all. Apparently when my appartment is finally refurbished I will get a "soft pack" which includes bedding, pots and pans, kettle, toaster etc. I can have real toast then! But there is lurpak butter which is unexpected, and I think kellogs honey nut loops and chocolate flakes together with what is described as tea but I would call it water with a hint of tea it is so weak and some lovely freshly squeezed orange juice. That sets me up for the day nicely. Out of the hotel into the car, out of the car into the office. Aircon all the way. Just as well. When I left the building to have a wander around the compound where I am working initially (which is huge) the heat was so intense it burnt the back of your throat when you breathed the air. Im still struggling to get the necessary access to the systems I need, and the guy to whom I report, a huge 7ft Norweigian called Jarl (I think there may be 2 dots above the "a" but I cant see how to do it on my keyboard!) thought he was getting sent some sort of project manager rather than a technical specialist. I did briefly get excited when I thought it might be my fast track ticket home but regretably not as he says he will need my skills in a few weeks. Which rather begs the question, what do I do until then!

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Passport Worries

Slept well. My driver arrived at 9am to take me to complete some formalities and collect some kit. My passport was taken off me and a receipt of some description was issued in case I was stopped and my documents requested. This wasnt a suprise as I had checked before I left the UK whether this would happen. Usually when I travel overseas I dont give up my passport. It is my guarantee of safe passage (or so it says!) and required for repatriation back to the UK. Saudi Arabia is different to most countries in that you require permission to leave the country as well as enter it. I did ask what happened if my visa expired but I was not granted permission to leave. Noone knows! Hopefully thats a good sign as it wont happen but I must remember to get the address and phone number of the british embassy just in case. I havent brought my driving licence. I'll have to have it shipped over by DHL at some point. No tea and coffee making facilities in my hotel room. It reminds me of Kathmandu.

Saturday, 9 May 2009


D-Day. I wasnt convinced this would actually have to happen, but it has and after a brief stop in the departure lounge to pick up some last minute things Im onto the aircraft and on my way. I am trying to keep focussed on the reasons I must go else I would stay on the plane and it would bring me back again! My best strategy is to just go, get the job done as quickly as possible and get back home. The queues to get to through immigration were horrendous. They have started fingerprinting everyone coming in and the machines failled. After initially being put in a fast track queue we were sent to the back of one of the normal queues and only let Saudi Residents fast track. It took 3 hours. My fellow passengers told me that was a record, but my driver said he sometimes had to wait for 6 or 7 hours for people to get through passport control. My appartment in one of the fortified compounds was not ready for me so I was to stay in a Hotel for a few nights. Although classed as a 4* it is basic but comfortable. It would struggle to get a UK star rating although I can see that when new it would have been pretty nice. It just needs a bit of TLC.

Friday, 8 May 2009


The last 24 hours have been traumatic to say the least. I had decided that in spite of the consequences, I would not travel to the Middle East. I got very little sleep last night and had after having my mind changed had a very emotional farewell at the airport. But after flying to Scotland very briefly I am now at the Heathrow Hilton close to Terminal 5 where I shall spend the night before flying out to Riyadh in the morning. I am not terribly fond of Hilton Hotels. I have found them expensive and the rooms quite small in the past. However this one was is great. After flying into Terminal 5 on a wonderful BA flight with great service, nice meal and free bar. My baggage was available to me almost immediately I arrived at baggage reclaim. The teething problems at launch seem to have been resolved. A Hilton coach picked me up and took me the short distance to the Hotel where a package I had to have delivered there was waiting for me, the room spacious and comfortable and a much better nights sleep.


Finally got the girls a Wii that they have been wanting for a long time before I left.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Lincoln Canoe Club

Megan and her friend, Lily (crouching down in this picture), are joining Lincoln Canoe Club and went on their taster session yesterday which was great fun. See a slideshow of the morning's paddling here:

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Dancing on ice

Got some tickets to dancing on ice live tour in nottingham. Spectacular. Im ringside and icing on the cake sat a few seats away from england cricketer kevin pieterson who is here supporting his wife jessica taylor. Pictured is this years winner ray quinn after achieving a perfect 30 out of 30 from the judges.
By popular request, here are a few more pictures taken with my phone that Ive turned into a slideshow. Click the triangle to play.

Saturday, 4 April 2009


Great day out at the historic silverstone racetrack. Dad had a ferrari driving experience for christmas and as im not now going to saudi i was able to go and watch and maybe take a picture or two in the glorious sunshine.

Saturday, 14 March 2009


Wandering around harrods. First time ive been. Who should i bump into? The owner mr al fayed.

Thames sightseeing

The girls have seen london by bus courtesy of their school visit so this time we are doing the sights by river boat

Hogwarts express

On platform 9 and three quarters at kings cross

Monday, 9 March 2009

X-Factor Live

Fantastic show, one of the best concerts Ive been to.