Sunday, 10 May 2009

Passport Worries

Slept well. My driver arrived at 9am to take me to complete some formalities and collect some kit. My passport was taken off me and a receipt of some description was issued in case I was stopped and my documents requested. This wasnt a suprise as I had checked before I left the UK whether this would happen. Usually when I travel overseas I dont give up my passport. It is my guarantee of safe passage (or so it says!) and required for repatriation back to the UK. Saudi Arabia is different to most countries in that you require permission to leave the country as well as enter it. I did ask what happened if my visa expired but I was not granted permission to leave. Noone knows! Hopefully thats a good sign as it wont happen but I must remember to get the address and phone number of the british embassy just in case. I havent brought my driving licence. I'll have to have it shipped over by DHL at some point. No tea and coffee making facilities in my hotel room. It reminds me of Kathmandu.

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