Thursday, 29 January 2009

Netbook Revolution

I used to travel alot by train. Not so much now but I do have some trips coming up. My laptop is a little bulky for working on the move and last year I got myself an Asus Eee PC 4G which was one of the first of the Netbook breed of computer. A little PC smaller than a notebook (a notebook being smaller than a laptop). It was fine but connecting to the internet over the HSDPA high speed mobile data network was a bit cumbersome and storage was OK but not completely satisfactory on memory sticks and SD cards. Runing linux rrestriced the software that could be run too. Recently I bumped into this little beauty. The Advent 4213 Netbook. I got mine from Curry's. Im very impressed. It has a huge disc capacity of 160Gb, runs XP, connects by anything, bluetooth, wi-fi, lan, HSDPA, has sd and usb2 ports, built in webcam and more or less full size keys with a screen thats 50% bigger than the Asus. It is at the higher end of the netbook spec and is priced accordingly but lower end models are available for around £200 and are still packed with features. It runs like a dream and I think is the future of portable business computing (its definately NOT a games machine!). Economy notwithstanding, I dont think it will be long before you see everyone walking around with one of these. Just until people cotton on to this magnificent machine the Asus is holding its resale value so its time to sell!

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